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ريجين 5٪ رغوة فروة الرأس للنساء


Hair loss treatment for women

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£ 53.88
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    Regaine for Women 5% Scalp Foam - Rightangled
    Regaine for Women 5% Scalp Foam - Rightangled

    Quick view Summary

    • Type of medicine

      Foam for topical use

    • Effective within

      Results may be seen after 12-24 weeks

    • Works by

      Enhancing blood flow to hair follicles

    • Active ingredient

      Minoxidil 5%

    • Strength

      5% w/w Cutaneous Foam

    • Common side effects

      Local skin reactions (redness, itching) Temporary hair loss at start of treatment Change in hair texture Unwanted non-scalp hair growth

    • Generic


    • Use with alcohol

      Contains alcohol; avoid open flames or sparks

    ريجين 5٪ رغوة فروة الرأس للنساء


    Regaine for Women ONCE A DAY رغوة فروة الرأس هي علاج لتساقط الشعر الأنثوي. تساعد هذه الرغوة على تقليل تساقط الشعر الوراثي وترققه مع تشجيع نمو الشعر الجديد. يعمل مباشرة على الجذور ، يقوي وينشط بصيلات الشعر لينمو بشكل ملحوظ شعر أكثر كثافة وامتلاء.

    يستخدم Regaine للنساء اللواتي تتراوح أعمارهن بين 18 و 65 عامًا. يعمل بشكل أفضل مع النساء اللواتي يعانين من ترقق شعر فروة الرأس. من المرجح أن يحصل أولئك الذين فقدوا الشعر لفترة قصيرة أو الإناث الأصغر سنًا على أفضل النتائج. من غير المرجح أن تستفيد من Regaine Foam إذا كان شعرك رقيقًا / أصلعًا لسنوات عديدة أو إذا كان هناك قدر كبير من تساقط الشعر.


    Using Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam is easy and convenient. Follow these steps for optimal results:
    Wash and Dry: Make sure your scalp and hair are completely dry before application.
    Dispense: Hold the can upside down and press the nozzle to dispense the foam onto your fingers. The amount should not exceed 1 g, equivalent to half a capful.
    Apply: Gently massage the foam onto the affected areas of your scalp, starting from the back to the front direction. Part your hair to ensure even coverage.
    Dry: Allow the foam to dry completely before going to bed or styling your hair.
    Remember, consistency is key. For best results, use Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam daily, and you may start to notice positive changes within 12 - 24 weeks.


    Each 1 g of Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam contains 50 mg of minoxidil, a potent ingredient believed to enhance blood flow to the hair follicles on your scalp. The foam also includes other components such as ethanol, lactic acid, citric acid, and more, all carefully chosen to ensure effective and safe application.

    Side effects

    As with any medication, Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam may cause some side effects, although not everyone experiences them. These may include headaches, itching, temporary hair loss, and mild scalp irritation. If you experience any severe reactions, such as chest pain, swelling of the face or throat, or any signs of an allergic reaction, stop using the product and seek medical assistance immediately.


    While Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam offers incredible benefits, there are some important precautions to keep in mind:
    Do Not Use If: Pregnant, breastfeeding, under 18 or over 65, male, allergic to minoxidil, or experiencing certain medical conditions.
    External Use Only: Apply directly to the scalp. Do not use on other areas of the body.
    Flammable: Handle with care. Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flames.
    Avoid Contact: Do not apply to damaged skin, eyes, mouth, or sensitive areas.

    Patient information leaflet

    Download patient information leaflet (PIL) on the link below:


    Can I use Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam if I have colored or dyed hair?

    Yes, you can! Using hair dye or color treatments is perfectly fine while using Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam. Just remember to let the foam dry completely before applying any hair products.

    How long should I continue using Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam to maintain my re-growth results?

    To maintain the re-growth achieved with Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam, you should continue using it once daily. However, clinical trials have shown that the efficacy of the foam has not been studied beyond 24 weeks, so consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

    Can I go swimming after applying Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam?

    Yes, you can swim after applying Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam, as long as your hair is completely dry. However, avoid applying the foam more than once a day, even after swimming.

    Is there a risk of hair thinning or loss if I stop using Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam?

    It's important to note that if you stop using Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam, any re-growth achieved may gradually revert back to its previous condition. Hair thinning or loss could occur if the treatment is discontinued. It's advisable to discuss discontinuation with your healthcare provider before making any decisions.

    Can I apply other hair care products, such as oils or serums, along with Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam?

    While using other hair care products is generally acceptable, it's recommended to apply Regaine® for Women ONCE A DAY Scalp Foam to a completely dry scalp before using any additional products. Be cautious about overloading your scalp with multiple products that could potentially interfere with the absorption of the foam.

    Medically reviewed and published

    This page was medically reviewed by Dr Sohaib Imtiaz, Clinical Lead |

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